Prospectus 2024-25 GC Jukhala. NSS Enrolment Form 2024-25 Admission/Regular Study Schedule.

Institutional Distinctiveness

Eco-Friendly College Campus

The institution is located in the lush green Jukhala (Daawin) valley. It is about 20 km away from the district headquarters. Majority of the students belong to the rustic background and they are a part of an agrarian society. The institution has always tried to inculcate the eco-sensitive virtues among students and instil in them the spirit of environmental consciousness and ecosystem conservation. It motivates students to conserve the rich biodiversity i.e. flora and fauna available in and around the campus and in their villages also. Various trees like Eucalyptus, Sadabahaar, Australian Tree, Guava, Pomegranate, Arjun, Rudraksh, Amla, Reetha, Neem having ornamental and medicinal properties have been planted in the institution’s campus since its establishment in 2007. The students of this institution keeps participating in plantation drives at regular intervals under the able guidance of the Principal and students are encouraged to adopt these plants for their proper nurturing and blooming well. This is done to imbue in the students the responsibility towards environmental conservation. Beds for tree saplings are prepared by the students of Eco Club and that of NSS at regular intervals and manure is added from time to time to make them flourish. The institution also has the rain water harvesting tank for watering the plants in the campus. It also has a bore well which helps in watering the plants in case of paucity of water during the dry season. The students take a keen interest in various activities related to ecosystem and environment and they have successfully planted trees in the campus and in their villages also. Although the institution is plastic free, yet it greatly concurs with the sense of keeping the environment clean around also, therefore various cleanliness drives and plogging runs are regularly organized by NSS, Eco Club and other clubs of the institution. In these, the students collect different types of plastic wastes like plastic wrappers, plastic bottles, plastic glasses etc. and eco-bricks are made out of these which can be used to prepare decorative and ornamental material. Also, in different rallies organized during important celebratory days like Gandhi Jayanti, local people and grocery shop owners are sensitized about cleanliness of environment by echoing the message of ecosystem preservation far and wide. The students see to it that peels of fruits especially that of citrus are not littered around, rather they are used to make bio-enzymes which have a lot of utilitarian value in terms of their use as toilet cleaners, floor cleaners and lab counter cleaners. No chemical is used in preparation of these bio-enzymes which makes them skin friendly as well as environmental friendly. Students of the institution have also emulated this practice at their homes and sensitized the people about this eco-friendly way of environmental sustenance in the areas to which they belong. The main objective of all this is to make the environment clean and green contributing towards the sound health of people and sensitizing all about the conservation of our rich ecosystem.