Prospectus 2024-25 GC Jukhala. NSS Enrolment Form 2024-25 Admission/Regular Study Schedule.

DSC 1ST Semester 2nd Semester
Physics CORE: Mechanics (PHYS101) TH,PR Core: Electricity Magnetism & EMT Theory (PHYS201) TH,PR
Chemistry CORE: Atomic Structure Bonding,General organic Chemistry & Hydrocarbons (CHEM CC101) TH,PR Core: Chemical engergetics, Equilibria and Functuonal group organic Chemistry (CHEM CC 202) TH,PR
Zoology CORE: Animal Diversity (ZOOL101)TH,PR CORE: Comparative Anatomy & DEV. Development bilogy of vertebrate (ZOOL201) TH,PR
Botany CORE: Biodiversity (Microbes Alge, Fungi, Archegoniates (BOT A101) TH,PR Core: Plant Ecology and Taxonomy (BOTA201) TH,PR
Math CORE: Differential Calculus(MATH101TH) CORE: Differential Equations (MATH201TH)
History CORE: History of india from the earliest time upto 300 ce (HIST101) CORE: History of india from c.300 to 1206 (HIST102)
English DSC1A: Eng. Literature I (ENGL102) DSC1B: Eng Literature 11 (ENGL202)
Geography CORE: Physical Geography(GEOG. GP101CC) CORE: Human Geography(GEOG. GP202CC)
Political science CORE: Introduction to Political Theory (POLS 101) CORE: Indian Government and politics (Pols 102)
Hindi CORE: Hindi Sahitya ka Ithhas(HINDI101) CORE:Madhya kaleen Hindi Kavita (HINDI102)
Music CORE: Theory of Indian Music(General) (Music101)TH, Practical(MUSI101PR) CORE:Theory of Indian Music(General) Biographies) (Musi2034) TH Practical(MUSI203PR)
Economics Core Economics1: Principles of Microeconomics-1(ECON101 Core Economics 11: Principales ofMicroeconomics-11(ECON102)
Commerce CORE: Financial Accounting (BC-1.2) (Businesss Organisation & Management(BC-1.3) (ENGL101) CORE: Business Law (BC-2.2) Business Mathematics &Statistics (BC-2.3) English-11 (ENGL201)
CORE Comp. AECC Environment Science (ENVS2AECC02 English(AECC-2(ENGL203)